A Tale of Two Dragons!

Back in 2000 Blake Education published my book titled Wally the Water Dragon, about a head-banging dragon that lived in a fishpond in our garden but who ‘head-banged’ us daily, trying to get in through the sliding glass doors of our dining area.  Looking for food?  Or with some other dark and dangerous purpose altogether? (You’ll have to…

Sophie Masson: a time-traveller between worlds

Today I’m thrilled to introduce well-known author Sophie Masson in my Monday blog. Sophie has written a fascinating piece about being a time-traveller between worlds, and how her early childhood experiences, and the stories she invented about them, led her to become an internationally best-selling author. Sophie’s articles on a wide-range of topics have appeared…

NaNoWriMo with Serene Conneeley

All you need to know about NaNoWriMo! Serene Conneeley’s fascination with history, travel, herbal healing, magic and myths comes through in all her novels and non-fiction, starting with one of my all-time favourites, Seven Sacred Sites: magical journeys that will change your life. Since then she’s written several other non-fiction books, including Witchy Magic, Faery…