The Afghan Wife

The action-packed and very topical new novel by Cindy Davies, titled The Afghan Wife, was launched at Manly Art Gallery on Saturday. It was a fun and festive occasion, illustrated by a fascinating series of scenes portraying the location of the novel (primarily in Iran) which can be viewed on Cindy’s website:  The novel…

New website!

I’m delighted to announce that I now have a new website!  In fact, it’s been up for some time and I’ve been busily posting blogs on it – or so I thought!  No; they’ve all gone up on my ‘test’ website, so you’ve missed out on all sorts of news about books and various historical…


Just to let you know that I’ve been having problems with my website lately, and this has affected my contact email address: If you’ve tried to reach me lately and had your email returned from that address, do please try again as hopefully the problem has now been sorted. Thanks! And grrrrr!  But I’m…

The Plantagenets and Medieval Time

Judy King gave a fascinating talk about ‘William Marshal – England’s greatest knight’ at the Plantagenet Society meeting yesterday. Born a landless noble in 1147, William Marshal became the ‘king’s right hand’ to five English kings through his life: Henry II, the ‘Young King’ Henry, Richard I, John and Henry III.  He was renowned for his…


After a whirlwind few days down in Melbourne at the HNSA conference, it was such a pleasure then to visit the beautiful old St Patricks Seminary / Hogwarts Castle in Manly yesterday to celebrate books and reading with over 200 excited students and their heroic teacher/librarians. Pictured: organiser Belinda Murrell and her sister Kate Forsyth along with…


Our HNSA conference weekend in Melbourne was absolutely fabulous!  A lot of hard work went into its organisation, but it was a wonderful weekend with so many author friends to catch up with, and so many new people to meet, both writers and readers but all of them lovers of historical fiction! The conference kicked…


If you love reading and/or writing historical fiction, there’s still time to book your ticket for the upcoming Historical Novels Society of Australasia conference at Swinburne University in Melbourne next weekend, from Friday night to Sunday 8-10th September. You’ll find out all you ever wanted to know about researching and writing great historical fiction from such luminaries…

Ghosts – and ghastly goings on

This week I’ve had fun talking to a couple more schools, entertaining Ermington Primary School students with stories based on my novels under the title ‘Dragons, Penguins, Magic and Mischief’.  The students were great, so eager to ask and answer questions and showing great imagination and creativity, especially when I produced my bag of magical…