Janna-Chronicles-05-Devils-BrewOut on Thursday! Janna’s search for her unknown father has brought her to the heart of the royal court at Winchester, but her purse has been stolen, she has no proof of her identity, she’s had to find work as a drudge in a tavern to support herself, and she has to choose between the two men who love her. Winchester is set ablaze in the fight for the crown between King Stephen and the Empress Matilda, but the real danger to Janna comes from the men who would silence her forever. In the struggle to solve a mystery (and so clear her name and save the reputation of the tavern where she works) Janna must choose between her duty to the woman who gave her sanctuary, and her duty to obey her father.  Below left: photo of the Hospital of St Cross, founded by Henry of Blois, brother of King Stephen ‘to house 11 men and feed another 100’ – after his fireballs had destroyed much of Winchester. It is still possible today to ask for ‘the dole’ and receive a piece of bread and a small mug of ale, following a tradition that stretches back through the centuries to the 1100s and the founding of St Cross. The first five Janna Chronicles available from any e-book retailer, or go to www.momentumbooks.com.au for more information.DSCN0739

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