Exciting news: My novel Ghost Boy is currently in the early stages of film development! Sydney producers Bianca Biasi and Rebekah Biasi from Morning Starr Productions have picked up the option from Random House and negotiations on all fronts are under way. There’s also interest from 20th Century Fox for distribution. It’s been a long-held dream of mine to see Ghost Boy come to the screen as it’s a ripper story and its setting (the Quarantine Station at Sydney’s North Head) is so atmospheric. It’s a wonderful site, genuinely historic (it’s the most intact quarantine station in Australia and possibly even the world) and with a fascinating (and grisly) past. Ghost Boy explores part of that history: an outbreak of smallpox in 1881 during which time conditions were so bad that a Royal Commission was subsequently held and an extensive rebuilding programme commenced as a result. Moving between the present and the past, Ghost Boy taps into history and a family mystery, where Froggy has to confront his worst nightmares so that the ‘ghost boy’ can be set free. You’ll find more information on Ghost Boy on my website: www.felicitypulman.com.au