morgana_0002Left: painting of the bewitching of Merlin, one of the themes in my novel as Morgana has her revenge on her one-time mentor.  I’ve so enjoyed writing I, Morgana and will talk about some other themes I’ve explored in my novel in future blogs.  Now, I just want to thank the beautiful Serene Conneeley for inviting me to share the launch of her new book, Into the Dark (sequel to Into the Mists) and also to thank Momentum for their help and care in producing I, Morgana and for sponsoring book prizes on the night of our launch.  It was a HUGE success!  Serene and I sat at our respective computers typing furiously for five hours as we answered messages from around the world.  Lucy Cavendish was a valued guest, but we also loved having the company of all our friends both old and new.  It was such a fun night, with beautiful prizes of jewellery and prints offered by Serene, and e-books and a mentorship from me.  We exchanged views from the frivolous to the helpful (eg all about NaNoMo) to the deeply philosophical: all writers are liars vs writers tell the deepest of truths!  I received some wonderful paragraph synopses as part of my mentorship challenge – so difficult to judge, wish I could have offered prizes to everyone but in the end (as with publishers) it came down to a purely personal choice.  A long night was followed by a long day on Saturday at the NSW Writers Centre attending the hugely successful Children’s Literary Festival organised by Aleesah Darlison.  So many good panel discussions on offer, it made choosing very difficult!  I so enjoyed appearing on a panel with the fabulously successful Wendy Orr and Isobelle Carmody to talk about turning our books into movies.  Plans for Ghost Boy are falling into place and it’s all enormously exciting, but it was also fascinating to hear about Wendy’s and Isobelle’s path from page to screen.  morgana cover finalFinally: if you’d like to know more about I, Morgana please go to Momentum’s website:  If you’d like to order a copy, go to   Thanks!

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