One of the enduring themes in Arthurian literature, and a strong thread in my new novel I, Morgana, is the notion that one day King Arthur will return again to save Britain in her hour of need. The belief that Arthur is a real historic figure is still very strong, as is the notion that Merlin, although sealed into a crystal cave by Morgana, is still a living presence. A visit some years ago to the magical ‘Forest of Broceliande’ in Brittany attests to that. Amongst other so-called Arthurian sites in the Foret de Paimpont is the ‘tomb of Merlin’ pictured left. My first impression, on visiting the site, was dismay that so little care was taken to tidy up the litter strewn everywhere around the ‘tomb’ – until I realised that the ‘litter’ was in fact tiny scraps of paper inscribed with poems, prayers and entreaties to Merlin for everything from ‘a job for my son’ to world peace. There were also floral and other tributes – and a pair of men’s underpants hanging from a holly bush nearby – not quite sure what they signified, nor do I want to go there!! Perhaps, in our hearts, we all need something in which to believe, even if it is only a legendary character or a magical wizard? But whether the characters are real or not, their stories have lasted through the centuries, being reimagined and rewritten to reflect the Zeitgeist of the time. I, Morgana is an exploration of a powerful and passionate woman whose revenge endangers both her world – and ours. Can we trust that an Arthur will come again, at a time when Britain is again under siege but this time from within? Our future depends on Morgana – and on her daughter – and on a girl who, as yet, lives only in my imagination! I, Morgana is published by Momentum and available as an e-book from all e-book retailers. The print-on-demand version will become available from July 15th. Go to for more info and a sneak preview of Chapter 1.