It’s been a really strange few months; I’m wondering how all of you are coping with it? For me, the best remedy I’ve found is chocolate: my girth is increasing!! I’ve also been busy rewriting my Shalott trilogy to make it more magical and more in keeping with my vision, and wishing I’d got it right first time around! I’m now in the editing process, and I’m looking forward to publication either later this year or early 2021. I’ll keep you posted on that. I’ve also been taking long walks through the bush and doing some bush regen along the way, taking out bags full of blackberry nightshade, thistles, cobblers pegs, asparagus fern and various other undesirables! Recently we included a walk around Long Reef golf course, and came across this delightful magic garden along the way! I’ll (try to) share some photos with you. (It’s such a long time since I’ve written a blog that this is a learning process all over again!) I hope you’re staying well, not going too stir crazy, and please feel free to share some photos with me!