My thanks to all of you who’ve written to let me know how much you’re enjoying The Janna Mysteries; it’s always heart-warming to receive your messages. Please know that I always reply to your emails, but sometimes, for some reason, my service provider won’t accept the address and my email bounces back to me so,…

JAWNA?? What the ……??

A lot of readers seem very confused as to how to pronounce Janna’s name. It’s ‘Anna’ with a J in front (as in J for Jack.) The name comes from Janna herself, who as a small child, was unable to pronounce her name (Johanna) properly, and shortened it to ‘Janna’. Readers have found some weird…


Whew! It’s been an action-packed couple of weeks culminating in a fantastic conference over the weekend for ‘children’s book writers and illustrators’ (SCBWI) at the Hughenden Hotel in Sydney. Organised by Susanne Gervay and Chris Cheng, the conference was a huge success, attended by authors from all over Oz and NZ, plus publishers, and also…

BOOK LAUNCH; Willows for Weeping

AT LAST! The long and eagerly-awaited next instalment of The Janna Mysteries, Willows for Weeping, will be launched on Saturday, 23rd Feb at the SCBWI conference at the Hughenden Boutique Hotel in Paddington, Sydney. Willows for Weeping is Book 4 in The Janna Mysteries. In this novel, Janna says farewell to friends and mentors at…