The Lady and the Unicorn

Probably the only time Morgana was truly happy was when she spent time with Launcelot at Joyous Garde.  He commissioned a set of tapestries for the hall, and charged Morgana with their design – and for this I’ve borrowed ideas from the exquisite Lady and the Unicorn tapestries seen some years ago at the Musee National du…

Morgana’s garden

One of the fun things I had to do while writing I, Morgana was to make a plan of a medieval garden for Glastonbury Priory. I envisioned a giant wheel with ‘spokes’ separating each different segment – for medicinal herbs, household plants, food, kitchen cookery, etc with herbers in the corner for the nuns’ contemplation and…

Where to buy I, Morgana?

I’ve just realised I’ve been putting in the wrong code for those of you who want to buy either the e-book version or a POD of my book.  Please go to: This will take you to the I, Morgana page at Momentum where you can click through your preferred retailers, or buy directly from…

Will Arthur come again?

One of the enduring themes in Arthurian literature, and a strong thread in my new novel I, Morgana, is the notion that one day King Arthur will return again to save Britain in her hour of need. The belief that Arthur is a real historic figure is still very strong, as is the notion that…

I, Morgana launch tonight!

  Following the release of I, Morgana yesterday, Serene Conneeley and I are celebrating the launch of our two new books on fb on line tonight and we’re hoping you’ll join us for a night of fun, with chat, quizzes and prizes. Serene is launching Into the Dark, sequel to her wonderful novel for YA…

King Arthur’s hangouts – 2

 Left:  These are the rusty red circles of the Vesica Pool at Chalice Well in Glastonbury – the inspiration behind my imagined scrying pool in Morgana’s secret garden, in which she sees terrifying visions of the future – our future. Left: ‘South Cadbury Castle’, one of the favoured sites for Camelot, is in fact the site of an…