Photo by: Paul Cristina


Today (Saturday) I have lost my voice. Which is a big calamity and a disaster as I’m supposed to be talking to the Plantagenet Society today about Stephen and Matilda. I am SOOOO disappointed as I was really looking foward to telling their story: that poor little girl being sent off to Germany, aged 8,…

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I thought I’d share with you some of the things I’ll be doing over the next few weeks in case any of you would like to come along.Monday 15th Sept: I’ll be online with the QLD Literature Festival for two sessions ‘talking’ about crime and romance in medieval time: 9.20 and 10.35 session starts.Wed. 17th…

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500 excited students plus teachers / librarians and authors all assembled for the annual Bookfeast last week and, as always, a wonderful time was had by all. Bookfeast is organised by Michael Fraser and his team and this year there was a change of venue, with Cabravale Diggers hosting the lunch. This year I sat…

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In case you’re wondering about the long silence, I’ve just had six fantastic weeks holiday in South America, seeing such wonders as the Iguazu Falls, the Amazon jungle, the Galapagos Islands and Macchu Pichu in Peru. Wow!! I’m still coming down to earth. Problem was that I forgot to take my blog log-in details with…

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