Photo by: Paul Cristina

Wonderful new review of Janna Mysteries

On Drive Time ABC Radio Canberra today (Monday) Laurine Croasdale reviewed my medieval crime series, The Janna Mysteries, in particular the last two in the series: Sage for Sanctuary and Thyme for Trust. It was a beautiful review of a series that is still so close to my heart, and I am thrilled! It’s…

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Morning tea with the stars!

And what a star-studded event it was, with the zany Oliver Phommenvanh as host along with the wonderful library staff who contributed so much to the success of the event. Antonette had the audience playing dress ups and adding appropriate sounds to her Demi Chat mystery; Mark Thommason illustrated perspective with pieces of string (now…

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Morning Tea with the Stars!

Tuesday 10th July at 10 a.m. at Warringah Mall Library on the Northern Beaches, Sydney – please drop in to the library for morning tea with Oliver Phommavanh, Toni Brisland, Mark Thommason and me, talking about our books and answering questions about reading, researching and writing! I’ll be talking about Ghost Boy, Wally the Water…

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