Photo by: Paul Cristina

Janna update

I’ve just had a look at the cover for the German edition of Book 1 of The Janna Mysteries. Rosemary for Remembrance has become (so far as I can translate it) Janna, daughter of a healer (Janna die tochter der heilerin). Let’s hope the title really grabs everyone in Germany! The cover is beautiful: a…

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Hugh vs Godric

Thanks Dayna for the latest (fascinating) post and to you all for buying into Janna’s love life! I’ve found your comments really interesting, giving me much to think about. Characters and their motivation are always at the forefront of an author’s mind while telling a story (and hopefully that’s translated onto the page.) I ‘know’…

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First up, apologies for the long silence: just returned from two blissful weeks in Bali and, although it’s hard coming down to earth again, the landing was made easier by all the wonderful emails and blog messages waiting on my computer – thank you all so much for your enthusiasm, it means a lot to…

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