Photo by: Paul Cristina

Janna update

Just back from a wonderful time researching and exploring Norfolk Island, but more of that in another post. More important right now is to let readers know the latest regarding the last two Janna Mysteries. Unfortunately, Random House Australia has now said a final no to publishing the last two books in the series that…

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Hi all,Just a quick update before I fly over to Norfolk to research Hearts in Chains – really looking forward to it, and will be doing plenty of talks and workshops with the school while I’m there. So it’ll all be a really good learning experience. Many thanks for all your queries and comments re…

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Just back from two wonderful weeks on remote islands in Fiji, with lots of great snorkeling. Saw quite a few sharks, white and black-tipped reef sharks plus a grey reef shark that circled and circled around us and made me VERY nervous! According to our snorkeling guide, George, grey sharks are ‘curious’, he said they…

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